Council resolves to create new Tourism and Economic Development Committees


Upper Lachlan Shire Council resolved to create two Section 355 Committees at the April Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Deputy Mayor Mandy McDonald put forward a motion that a Tourism and Event Management Advisory Committee be created, and Councillor John Searl put forward a motion that an Economic Development Advisory Committee be created.

Both motions were supported unanimously.

Council Chief Executive Officer Alex Waldron said that the intent of the committees was to access and leverage the capabilities, ideas and enthusiasm available in the community.

“These committees will provide the community with the opportunity to share their insights and skills in the areas of Tourism and Economic Development,” she said.

“As Section 355 committees of Council, each will meet quarterly and will consist of community representatives and either one or two Councillors.

“Their input and feedback will be of great assistance in plotting the Shire’s future.

Ms Waldron explained that there were still a number of steps involved ahead of forming the committees.

“Each will need a Charter which will be drafted by staff and presented to Council at a monthly meeting,” she said.

“Once ratified, Expressions of Interest will be sought from the community and following that process, the new Tourism and Events Advisory Committee, and the new Economic Development Advisory Committee will be announced.”